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Erin's Story

How I got here

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Ever since I can remember, I have been an active individual. Exercise, sports and fitness have always been a huge part of my life. From growing up playing recreational, to very competitive elite sports, fitness has been a critical part of my emotional, physical and mental health. I took this passion for fitness and wellness and achieved a diploma in Fitness & Health Promotion at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario. 

My passion comes from seeing positive change in the individuals I work with. I love hearing that people are moving better, they're doing more of the things they want to do, and overall have a better outlook on life when exercise is a part of their routine. My main goal is to provide an uplifting environment that inspires people. I love when clients underestimate their abilities, and when guided in the right direction, they are able to see how much they can do, and the goals they can achieve. I constantly strive to help keep people moving the best that they can, for as long as they can. I love supporting undeserved special populations who need specific fitness instruction that isn't widely found. Together as a team, we can work towards helping you living well with a health condition, movement disorder, mobility issue or simply through the aging process. Your goals, needs and abilities will be understood and respected; as well as your successes celebrated. 


I would like to bring my knowledge and expertise for fitness into your life by providing you with individualized in-home training, virtual sessions or group classes for your specific needs. With physical activity comes an increased quality of life and my goal is to bring that to each and every client.

I deeply value the health and happiness of my clients and I am dedicated to working to improve both. My knowledge and experience in the fitness industry allows for a variety of opportunities to bring happiness, joy, and education to the clients with whom I interact. I believe I can make a positive difference in your life as your trainer.

Qualifications & Certifications

* Diploma in Fitness & Health Promotion (2016)

* Personal Trainer

* Cancer Exercise Specialist

* Alzheimer's Disease Fitness Specialist

* Stroke Recovery Fitness Specialist

* Heart Wise Exercise Trainer

* Adaptive Fitness Specialist 

* PWR!Moves Parkinson's Fitness Instructor

* Seniors Fitness Instructor

* Bone Fit Instructor 

* Urban Poling Instructor

* Standard/Intermediate First Aid & CPR C - AED 


Courses & Continuing Education

St John Ambulance Standard/Intermediate First Aid CPR-C & AED [2025]

* Alzheimer's Disease Fitness Specialist Certification (MedFit Education Foundation) [2024]

* Stroke Recovery Fitness Specialist Certification (MedFit Education Foundation) [2024]

St John Ambulance Emergency First Aid CPR-C & AED [2023]

CGWEP: The Otago Exercise Program: Falls Prevention Training [2023]

* Cancer Exercise Specialist Program (ACE & Cancer Exercise Training Institute) [2023]

Heart Wise Exercise Certification Course (University of Ottawa Heart Institute) [2023]

Adaptive Fitness Specialist Course (MedFit Education Foundation) [2022]

* Common Movement Disorder Land Instructor Certification (WaterART) [2022]

* PWR!Moves Parkinson's Fitness Instructor Re-Certification [Parkinson Wellness Recovery) [2022]

* Urban Poling Instructor Certification [2021]

* Osteoporosis Canada Bone-Fit Certification [2020]

* Aquatic Common Movement Disorder Instructor Certification (WaterART) [2020] 

* St John Ambulance Emergency First Aid CPR-C & AED [2020]

* Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy Webinar - Reducing the Risk of Falls in Later Life [2020]

* Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's Victory Summit Conference Ottawa [2019]

* PWR!Moves Parkinson's Fitness Instructor Certification (Parkinson Wellness Recovery) [2019]

* Seniors Fitness Instructor Refresher Workshop [2018]

* K-Taping Pro Therapist (K-Taping Academy) [2018]

* Seniors Fitness Instructor Certification (CCAA) [2016]

* YMCA Fitness Summit [2016]

Heart Wise Exercise Certification Course (University of Ottawa Heart Institute) [2016]

Volunteer & Community Involvement

* St Lawrence College Guest Lecturer (Fitness & Health Promotion Program - Inclusive Fitness in Special Populations Course) [2024]

* Queens University Guest Lecturer (Healthy Aging Course) [2023]

* Living Better with Parkinson's Festival Guest Speaker - Thorbury, Ontrario [2023]

* Parkinson Canada Kingston Support Group Meeting Guest Speaker [2023]

* Spinning Wheels: Coming Home & Looking Forward Parkinson's Retreat [2022]

* Parkinson Canada Oshawa/Durham Young Onset Support Group Guest Speaker [2022]

* Parkinson Canada Kingston Support Group Meeting Guest Speaker [2022]

* Parkinson Canada "Get Moving! Parkinson's & Exercise" Webinar Guest Instructor [2022]

* Pedaling for Parkinson's in PEC (guest speaker) [2021]

* Pedaling for Parkinson's in PEC [2019]

* Lap the Gats Parkinson's Fundraiser in Ottawa [2018]

* Lap the Gats Parkinson's Fundraiser in Ottawa [2017]

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