At-Home Fitness Video Library
Welcome to the WiseMoves Kingston Fitness Video Library page. This is where you will find a variety of recorded videos just for you. With the touch of a button, you are able to pick which fitness video you want to follow, from the comfort of your own space.
You can access these videos from anywhere where there is internet. So, if you're away on vacation, visiting family, or at your own home, WiseMoves Kingston is available to help you with your fitness goals. You can choose from a variety of videos; from specific goals, to certain chronic conditions. Each one varies in length of time. If you have an hour to exercise, theres options for you. If you only have 10 minutes to spare, but want to do a little bit of movement, you're all covered. Videos range from 10 minutes to 1 hour in length.
You can turn on your phone, computer, tablet, iPad or laptop, and simply browse the exercise videos and ask yourself, "what type of exercise do I want to work on today?".
Below are some of the videos you will have access to with our subscription program: ​
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